The Church Finance Corporation facilitates growth of Christian ministries by providing financial and related services and investment opportunities. We offers a variety of services, including lending, investments, consulting and events.

Our Team

Rick Breeden


Barb Mulvey

Chief Financial Officer

Jeff Watson

Chief Lending Officer

Trey Waring

Vice President of Lending

Elizabeth Allan

Dir. of Employee Engagement

Micheal Summers

Development Officer

D’Ann Craft


Betty Babicz

CFC Treasurer

Melanie Meis

CFC Accountant

  • (505) 332-1777
    Toll-Free (877) 841-1777
  • P.O. Box 16560
    Albuquerque, NM 87191
  • 2511 Wyoming Blvd NE
    Albuquerque NM, 87112

Contact Us
